I have always been incredibly drawn to storytelling. I would find myself stuck in a fictional book or creating an alternate reality of my own through writing and illustration. I enjoyed the safe space of exploring experiences and lessons through the eyes of characters as they overcame obstacles. This act of escapism provided a safe haven for the exploration of strong emotions without the scrutiny of common society’s negative connotations towards the highly emotional. Society view as “emotionally acceptable” is just an unrealistically idealized view on sociopathy. It’s as if being an emotional human is weak and we must conform into this intangible husk of an organism to even remotely achieve success.  Many people are unconsciously taught to bury or ignore emotions simply for the sake of sparing someone else’s refusal to understand. 

Everything I create is geared to generate a safer space for the viewer to detach from negative societal norms in a “dream like” environment in order to evaluate the emotional connection with themselves through images and characters. To achieve that security, I choose my mediums very carefully depending on the emotion or story I wish to tell. In my experience with emotional repression it can often result in a high state of denial. By making these more subtle clues or puzzles and amongst the cause around the work it can spark curiosity of finding something but not exactly being sure of what it is until its found.

As of now my process is mostly digital to continue the theme of mechanics and the “non-presents” of emotions to be printed in large scale format on glass. I will later incorporate actual electronics to help identify the energy pulsating through the pieces as well as sound and smell. This thus representing the pull towards such damaging tendencies. I have found that even the subtle choice of mediums can drastically change the intensity and connection from artist to viewer. Utilizing all senses is a powerful trigger for emotions. This is something that would impact and invoke a response from the viewers.